Sarah (2nd from right) in MOUNT RUSHMORE at HUGE Theater

Sarah (2nd from right) in MOUNT RUSHMORE at HUGE Theater


Our Teaching Artists and Staff are involved in a wide range of professional projects outside of their work with Upstream Arts. Each month, we post opportunities to see their performances, exhibitions, and other events around the Twin Cities and beyond. Click on the links below to learn more.


Michelle Barnes is continuing work on What Grows Here?, a collaboration with fellow UA Teaching Artist Dylan Fresco for the Arts on Chicago initiative.

Sarah Brown is playing Teddy Roosevelt in Mount Rushmore, de-bunking U.S. History as we know it, for HUGE Wednesdays at HUGE Theater. Every Wednesday in April, 8pm, for only $5!

Haley Carneol is performing in Something About a Bear, a new play written by Constance Congdon, directed by Lisa Channer and Vladamir Rovinsky, and co-produced by Theatre Novi Most and the University of Minnesota Department of Theatre and Dance. April 11-21 at the UMN Rarig Center’s Stoll Thrust Theatre.

Charles Fraser is the assistant stage manager for To Kill a Mockingbird at Park Square Theatre, April 2 – May 17, and production designer for Saint Louis Park High School’s production of The Cat’s Meow, April 26 – 28. He also will be leading his creative dramatics residency, Mother Goose on the Loose!, at Andersen Elementary School in Bayport and The Phipps Center for the Arts in Hudson, Wisconsin. Students will present the skills they have learned at Andersen on April 19 and at The Phipps on April 27.

Dylan Fresco is continuing work on What Grows Here?, a collaboration with fellow UA Teaching Artist Michelle Barnes for the Arts on Chicago initiative.

Rachel Jendrzejewski is speaking on a panel with Caridad Svich and Gail Dubrow about best practices in the collection of life stories for scholarly and creative work, as part of the UMN Institute for Advanced Study’s “Thursdays at 4” series, on April 18. Work-in-progress from her new collaboration with SuperGroup also will be featured in 9×22 at the Bryant Lake Bowl on April 24.

Norah Long is starring as Zelda Fitzgerald in the premiere of This Side of Paradise, opening April 20 at the History Theatre. She also will be the featured vocalist at the 8th Annual Benefit Concert for Fairview Hospice on April 27, Augsburg College.